Oct 122012

New Feature!

Findeavor.com micro job site is now offering instant delivery option for sellers!

Published at Jul 11, 2012 for findeavor.com
Category: E-commerce
Language: English
Findeavor.com now offering instant delivery option to sellers for items like photos, ebooks, and other media.


Findeavor.com is now offering instant delivery option to its sellers for items like photos, ebooks, and other media. This means that people purchasing these items get immediate delivery.


Findeavor.com is now offering an instant delivery option to its sellers for items like photos, videos, ebooks, software and other media.  This means that people purchasing these items get immediate delivery. and the micro job (or what we call an endeavor) is completed immediately as well.

The new option gives sellers and buyers on the Findeavor market place a more streamlined way to conduct these transactions.

Findeavor is committed to making buying and selling products and services fun and easy.

Watch for for more new features in the comming weeks!

If you are not familar with what Findeavor is, or better yet, who we are, please checkout our about us page on Pressabout.us or click here to checkout our website.

  • Everyone is good at something. Be creative and sell what you’re good at on Findeavor.
    ~ Joe
Findeavor! How to make extra money
 Posted by at 9:11 pm