I'll promote your business to college students all across the USA for $5

in: Advertising

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HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: 1) Your advertisement on our awesome college flyers. Distribution at 3 campuses (25 flyers per campus). 2) A custom QR code used to send people to your website, facebook or blog. 3) A LIFETIME sponsorship on our wicked mobile website. http://bit.ly/qrpreview (This is where people come to when they scan the QR codes on the flyers). 4) Five Tweets to our 1,650+ loyal Facebook followers.

Endeavor Extras! Get more than just an endeavor.

give you the most prominent banner placement on the flyer and distribute your ad on SIX campuses
also mention your ad on my internet radio show The Unsolved Mysteries Radio Hour
create a very cool mobile optimized landing page for your business or offer
*includes the price of the endeavor